A major change is going to be the number of first generation population graduating from colleges who may need peer support and guidances on handling various office relationships and moving to new urban areas.The y may need people to hand hold and lead them through some tough personal and official relationships.
Another curious but important challenge would be curious parents, a problem that has often propped was the case of parents visiting to their children in office regularly and another strange case was narrated by Shahikanth Jayaraman who was addressing us.
This was the case of a curious parent in the Interior part of Karnataka where his company was conducting an induction program for new joinees in the sales positions and there was a parent who was insisting that he would sit through the induction at any cost while the company's policy dint allow that and thus the parent had to be forcibly removed which would have disturbed the individual and his impression about the company.
Another challenge is that many of the are simple and honest who could be easily tricked by others and thus may not be get the due attention they want thus laying key emphasis on the Line Managers to notice about individual performances and the effort and not just the ratio of work which gets completed.
A key piece of advice which was shared was that it is essential regardless of whatever transpires in the office if there has been an bad moment for thge individual would be calling and encouraging the individual "Before he hits the sack" as a person who takes grudge to sleep never has a good opinion about the person.
A very interesting thought to ponder on
Arvind !!