Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The most challenging profession ?

It is common amongst us people to normally boast on the level of toughness of our work/projects and everyone wants to be brag about proving their mettle.

In that i list i was trying to find out the most challenging profession in today's context and based out of personal experience i thought it would be a door to door salesman or an Industrial relation officer or the Chennai Bus driver (during peak summer months) and then i found an unexpected answer it was a "DENTIST"

Being under the knife of a dentist for three hours made me realize how difficult their work was. Mouth along with eyes can be considered the gateways to a person's mind in terms of to smile, to talk, to eat and so on and so forth and to imagine the prospective of an alien third man meddling with our mouth seems like Frankenstein playing Ludo with you and there is outrage but that's just what a dentist exactly does.

Something i was able to realize is that his job demands extra ordinary patience because most of the clients you have to deal with are kids who are scared of a dentist or old aged people who realize they dint achieve their dream and want to talk,talk, talk and even more talk based with these two types as customers to be a professional is tough and to be an extraordinary professional it is a great attitude and amazing talent.

Normally people visit a dentist only when they have an issue with their tooth or gums rarely do people go for a regular visit and in a lot of cases the state of these may not be pretty and let us not imagine the odour.

He has to work with the most uncontrollable organ "The Tongue" which cannot stop whirling skidding rushing amongst other things and then comes the tough part when they have to work on your teeth. It is not that hard to work with your lower teeth but imagine when they have to work with your upper sets of teeth there is no clear mage and then based on instincts and limited vision they have to repair that which is very tough.

His negotiation skills are way of the mark and so is his perseverance and commitment.
You can always hear its going to be over from him very frequently to comfort the patient

The crucial aspect where you as a dentist have to realize that is that if they botch up anything this man will be vehemently angry and they have destroyed the Appearance of a person


Arvind !!

IndiBlogger - The Indian Blogger Community

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