Sunday, December 13, 2009


The past week has been quite a learning experience in terms of skill lab sessions. There have been various moments and learning’s which have groped my attention and one of those was a session on idea generation.

I could sense one thing which was very key that most of the idea's which the employees generate are considered but how many of them generate idea's and by generating we don’t only talk about getting an idea or prompting an idea but rather putting it in a framework and shaping it out so that it can upgrade any process or downsize the time in the process and an idea can be from any source and it is essential to ideate but one thing which is obligatory is to accept the ideas which most line managers are unable to, because of the work load and deadlines thus my belief is that HR can accept in helping this out this idea process because they become like the face of the organization to them and can open up to them easily but for this it is essential the HR's of the organization are in sync with the business and services to ensure they can find out employees flair for innovation

But for an idea like this to succeed it is critical that HR is a strategic part of the organization and not a support function and thus requires more skilled people with the need of the hour being not just people skills but business knowledge



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